British Stone Memorials

Please see below a selection of the memorials we have produced from British stone, as you can see from our portfolio almost anything can be created.

Each stone is unique.

Purbeck Headstone

Purbeck Limestone

Deep ogee Purbeck limestone memorial with hand cut lettering and a carved fish symbol.

Bespoke Gravestone Oxford

Bespoke Memorial

A bespoke memorial inspired by a tree stump. Featuring v cut lettering and a double vase.

V cut Gravestone letters

Purbeck Ogee

A Purbeck stone ogee monolith memorial with a hand cut sans serif font.

Welsh Slate Memorial Stone

Welsh Slate

A bespoke Welsh Slate monolith headstone with rounded shoulders featuring a hand cut italic font.

Bespoke Stone

Curved Top

A curved top monolith with a bespoke hand carved sans serif font.

Hand Carving a Gravestone


Hand carved trumpet in boulder material.

Headstone Reading

Forrest of Dean Sandstone

A round top monolith gravestone with V cut lettering made in Forrest of Dean blue sandstone.

Rustic Headstone Henley

Pitched edge Purbeck

Pitched edge Purbeck memorial with a round top and cavetto shoulders, featuring a tooled margin, cross and hand cut lettering.

V cut lettering

Portland Round Top

Portland round top monolith with deep V cut lettering featuring a cross.

Hand Cut Gravestone

Portland Round Top

A Portland round top monolith featuring hand cut lettering.

Bespoke Headstone

York Stone

Round top York stone memorial with shoulders featuring a stylised hand carved font.

Moulded Edge Headstone

Nabresina Memorial

A Nabresina memorial with a half round top, cavetto shoulders and a moulded edge. Featuring italic hand cut lettering.

Hand Carved Gravestone

Portland Stone

Portland round top monolith featuring hand cut italic lettering and bespoke Wittenham Clumps carving in reveal of memorial.

Welsh Slate Gravestone Oxford

Slate Monolith

Gothic top slate monolith with hand cut lettering and RAF cap badge.

Bespoke Gravestone Oxford

Portland Peon Top

Peon Top Portland monolith with hand cut lettering and stylised dog carving.

British Stone

York Monolith

Round top York monolith with hand cut lettering.

Ledger Stone Oxford

Portland Ledger

Portland Ledger memorial with chamfered edge featuring heraldic shield carving, Maltese cross and hand cut lettering.

Oxford Memorials

Portland Ogee

Ogee Portland monolith with checked shoulders featuring flourished hand cut font and red kite carving.

Bespoke Memorial

Bespoke Monolith

Bespoke shaped memorial with hand cut lettering and carved leaf.

Welsh Slate Headstone

Riven Welsh Slate

Hand cut lettering on a Riven Welsh Slate.

Hand cut Headstone Oxford

Curved Top

Curved top Portland memorial with shoulders and hand cut lettering.

Bespoke Gravestone Oxford

Gothic Top

Gothic top Portland monolith with chamfered edge featuring sand serif hand cut lettering.

V cut lettering

Curve Top

Curve top monolith with hand cut lettering.

Custom Gravestone

Portland Stone

Portland round top headstone and base. Featuring cyma rector shoulders and a chamfered edge. Hand cut lettering.

Hand Carved Headstone

Headstone and Base

Headstone and base. Round top headstone with splayed shoulders, featuring a hand carved dove.

Hand cut Headstone

Purbeck Stone

Purbeck round top headstone with cavetto shoulders and chamfered edge. Hand cut lettering and a cross.

Bespoke Lettering

Forrest of Dean Sandstone

Forrest of Dean sandstone with hand cut lettering and a carved Tudor rose.

British Stone Memorials

Contact us to discuss a British stone memorial or to make an appointment to view the wonderful array of British stones available in our showroom.